Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions

Study materials

Where can I obtain the study materials for specific courses?

Study materials are available in the e-learning system of Biotechnical Faculty, at the so-called Moodle, that students can access by signing-in through the web-page:         

How can I access study materials?

At the beginning of each academic year, at the initial lecture of a particular course, the professor provides students with the password needed to access the content of individual course. If you are not present at the first lecture, contact your colleagues or the teacher via email to provide you with the password.

Enrolling to exams

Do I have to enrol to a partial exam?

Yes. A prior enrollment is required for partial exams.

How can I enrol to a partial exam?

You can enroll to a partial exam (both, the first and the second one) in the e-learning system of the Biotechnical Faculty (the so-called Moodle). Next to the subject materials provided for the course, an open database is provided for students to allow enrollment to the partial exam. Click on the database, click the icon “Add entry”, enter the required data, and click the button “Save and view”.

How do I know, if I have successfully enrolled to a partial exam in the Moodle database?

Click on the database in which you enrolled to the partial exam, click the icon “View list”, and the list of students that have successfully enrolled to the partial exam will appear. If many students applied and you do not see your name, choose “100” in the icon “Entries per page”, which is provided at the bottom of the page; consequently, the whole list of students that enrolled will appear. If you do not see the list of enrolled students, click a few times between the icons “View single”, “View list”, and “Templates”; due to unknown reasons the whole list of applicants does not always appear and clicking between the stated icons should help.

Do I also have to enrol to the first partial exam in the ŠIS/VIS/e-student system?

No. Partial exams are not entered into any of those databases, so the enrollment is not possible there.

I will write the second partial exam on the same date as the final/complete exam will take place. Do I have to enroll for the (second partial) exam in the system ŠIS/VIS/e-student?

Yes. The second partial and the final/complete exam are always written on the same date. When you enroll to the second partial exam, your status is exactly the same, as if you would enroll to the final/complete exam, so besides being enrolled in the Moodle database, you have to be enrolled in the ŠIS/VIS/e-student system, too.

How do I enroll to the final/complete exam?

You should enroll by using the standard procedure in the ŠIS, VIS or e-student system.

Passing the exams

My first partial exam was scored negative. Can I still enrol to the second partial exam? Namely, I assume that I will write the second partial exam so good that the overall result will be positive.

No. You can only enroll to the second partial exam, if you obtained a positive result in the first partial exam.

My first partial exam was scored as negative, but I gained additional points with the seminar. Can I apply for the second partial exam?

No. You can only enroll to the second partial exam, if you obtained a positive result in the first partial exam, no matter the number of points you gained with the seminar.

Can I write the partial exam more than once?

No. You can write the partial exam (either the first one, or the second one) only once in a school year.

Is there only one term available to pass the partial exam?

For the first partial exam there is only one term available. For the second one there are two exam-dates, at the same time as two first regular exam-dates for the particular subject. When applying for the second partial exam you can choose the first or the second term, but not both of them.

I wrote the partial exam last year, but I did not pass it. This year, I am again enrolled to the same subject. Can I enroll for the partial exams, or do I have to write the final/complete exam?

You can enroll for the partial exams under the same rules as all the other students.

What is the limit for the positive achievement at the partial exam?

26 points of the 50 possible points.

What is the limit for the positive achievement for the complete exam?

51 points of the 100 possible points.


How are the points of the seminar accounted for within a particular course?

The points from the seminar are added to the final positive exam result, thus to the points of both positive partial exams, or to the points of the positive final/complete exam.

Exam dates

How can I find out when exam dates are available for a particular course?

The most updated information about the exam dates (date, hour, and location of the exam) is available in the e-learning (Moodle) database.

There is the same exam-date for the second partial exam and for the final/complete exam. Is this a mistake?

No. The second partial exam and the final/complete exam are always written on the same date (same date, same hour, same location).

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