Universally useful links

Useful links

Is my work a plagiarism?

Plagiarism is not only forbidden by law, it also sheds a lasting bad light on the person using it. When correcting the written essays or seminars, we can more and more often see, that students sometimes do not even know, that they are doing something wrong. There are many good sources on the internet explaining what plagiarism is, what the misuse of sources means, and what practices are recommended. Learn in a funny and informative way and avoid the catastrophe.


We particularly recommend the chapter “Citing and documenting sources”, and also the chapter “Avoiding disaster”, in which you will find useful advice on how to organize your activities when they become too numerous.

The human body

Google Body

Are you familiar with Google Earth, the tool to look at the most remote places of our planet? The new tool, Google Body, enables the same, just that this time you can explore your own body.



The evolution of our species

What does it mean to be human?

The Smithsonian, the largest museum/research centre in the world, invites you on the expedition to the origin of our species.


Ken Miller: God, Darwin and the plan.

Even though the beginning might not catch your attention, we recommend you to continue watching. Serious questions presented in an entertaining way.

Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8

Human Biology

Genographic Project

Around 60.000 years ago a small group of people had begun an epic journey. Find out where they traveled and how we came to populate our corner of the planet.


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